I was browsing through the WP Plugins tab of the WP Universe iPhone app last night while in bed and came across a press release on PRWeb about a new WordPress plugin from MailChimp.

Being I’m a WP nerd and also a customer of MailChimp, I clicked through to learn more about this new plugin and had to share. I think this can be a very useful tool for those people using WordPress to power their websites who also send regular email campaigns and newsletters.
Disclaimer: I am the maker of the WP Universe app. I use it almost every day to stay up to date with new themes, plugins, development, and many other WordPress related information. If you’re interested in staying in the loop, feel free to grab the app.
ChimpExpress Plugin
As the name of the plugin above implies, it’s designed provide seemless content sharing between WordPress and your MailChimp account in order to speed up your content creation workflow. You can grab the ChimpExpress plugin on the repository.
This is very welcome news to me as I have been both blogging and sending newsletters through MailChimp more and more.
Two Publishing Modes
With this plugin you are able to publish from WordPress to MailChimp and bring in content from MailChimp into WordPress.
When publishing from WordPress to MailChimp, the author first selects an existing template in his/her MailChimp account. The WordPress plugin is aware of the content blocks in the template and allows the author to add new content into each section. The author can either choose to write new content in the WordPress editor and/or republish a blog post. Once the campaign is completed, the content is automatically posted to the user’s MailChimp account and a preview is provided of the final campaign. The MailChimp user would then log into his/her account to schedule the sendin time.
When publishing from MailChimp to WordPress you can bring in content from an existing MailChimp campaign as a blog post and edit the content in the WordPress editor before publishing.
Another Big Benefit
The plugin also makes it easy to create a stand alone landing page of the MailChimp campaign.
Read that last sentence again and think of the possibilities.
The plugin removes email specific information such as unsubscribe links and allows the user to edit the content and the page name. Then it publishes it to a new page in the blog. This is a perfect way for folks to create content in MailChimp and maintain a permanent web page with their own domain.
Source: PRWeb