WordPress for Nonprofits – The Why, What, and How

one-world-logoI’ve been invited to participate in a webinar taking place on Dec. 2nd named WordPress for Nonprofits that’s been organized by Roshani Kothari of OneWorld.net. I’ll be presenting along with Rosalyn Lemieux, Partner of Fission Strategy. You can read more about the webinar here. This is a paid access webinar with all proceeds being used to fund the efforts of OneWorld.net

What is OneWorld.net all about?

OneWorld is a global information network developed to support communication media of the people, by the people and for the people — everywhere. Its goal is to help build a more just, global society, through its partnership community. OneWorld encourages people to discover their power — power to speak, connect, and make a difference — by providing access to information, and enabling connections between hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of people around the world.

What will I be covering in my presentation?

I’ll be providing a basic overview of what WordPress is, what it does, and what it can do. I’ll also be giving an overview of the Dashboard and then touching on the options for extending WordPress through the use of themes and plugins. After this, I’ll be fielding specific questions from the webinar participants.

Rosalyn Lemieux will be showing specific examples of how current nonprofit’s sites are being powered by WordPress, and how they are updating their content.

If you’re interested in learning more, I welcome you to sign up for the webinar. If you’re not interested but know someone who may be, please forward share this post in whatever social portal you prefer:)