Free Banner Ads in Google?

If you’re the owner of a website, business, brand or other organization that would like to take advantage of an innovative method to advertise your product, then you may be interested in learning about a method to get free banner advertising right on an increasingly popular part of Google, known as Google+.

Google+ Profile Page Animated Banner
Google+ Profile Page Animated Banner

Whether you are highly skilled in marketing your brand on the internet or if you have no experience with online marketing, you can easily create an animated banner ad to be used on your Google+ page. This banner ad will be visible to every single visitor that arrives on your Google+ page, and by utilizing this method, it increases the possibility of grabbing the attention of your visitors before they decide to leave – which is normally approximately 15 seconds, unless something catches their eye.

The article, titled Animate Your Google+ Profile Page, explains how you can create your animated banner, quickly and easily. Even a template is provided. You’ll also learn how to implement your banner advertisement on your Google+ profile page as well, so all of the steps from beginning to end are covered. There are many benefits of utilizing a method such as creating an animated banner ad to use on your Google+ profile page, which I will explain below.

Taking advantage of this opportunity can help increase your sales and conversion rates, as well as increase your traffic and user interactions with your website. One scenario, as an example, is if you’re promoting a brand and your desire is to give a more appealing presentation to your fans, creating a banner that flashes, scrolls text, or contains some other animation will grab the attention of your fans before they choose to leave your page.

Another example scenario is if you’re promoting a product to an audience who may not know all of the features of your product, creating an animated banner which shows some of the features of the product may grab the attention of users who didn’t know that your product even had one or more of the features until they saw your banner. You can use the banner ad to tell users of upcoming events, product features, sale prices, and so much more. The promotional possibilities are almost endless, which makes an animated banner almost a necessity for anyone who is trying to market something to their audience.

Utilizing this method can also give a more professional impression of anything that you promote, compared to having a static image or even worse, no image at all. One of the most important parts of marketing on the internet is making sure you can grab the attention of your visitors within the first fifteen seconds from the time they land on your page. Even if you have doubts about the benefits of creating an animated banner to use on your Google+ profile, keep in consideration that your page may become even more appealing than the pages of your competitors, resulting in increased sales and traffic and more money in your pocket!

Dedicated Hosting Specialist

Juliana writes for @InMotionHosting, a Dedicated Hosting provider based in Los Angeles, and focuses as an Online Specialist. You can follow her on traffic tips on Twitter @JulianaPayson.