You may find you want to make a very quick and simple post for your website without going through all the regular steps of using the add new post screen.
The quick press module is located in the upper right-hand side of your dashboard screen and you will notice it has fewer options than the add new post screen such as post title, post content, tags option, a reset button, and save and/or publish. You can also add media to the post like images, video or audio.
The quick press module will allow you to write and publish a post to your blog right from the convenience of your dashboard screen. If you have a new idea for a post and want to add it quickly and give yourself time to update and revise it later, then quick press module is perfect tool.

Quick press only applies to creating new posts and does not work for adding new pages.
Add a Post
To create a post using quick press, enter the title of your post, then the content of your post by typing in the content field or by pasting it. You can also add any tags you want to use to label your post at the bottom of the module.
Save or Publish
You can save the new post as a draft if you need to go back in to make other revisions at a later time. After you save the draft you will see other options like preview post or edit post.
If you are satisfied with the content and layout of your new post, you can go ahead and click the publish button to publish it for the world to see.
When using the quick press module, any new post that is published to your site will be published under your default category.
Watch the Video
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