The video, Introduction to the WordPress Dashboard, shows you that by clicking on your website name located on the dashboard in the upper left-hand side, you will be brought to your site’s home page as the rest of the world views it to check that everything looks in order.
There is however one exception and that is that thin grey bar at the top of the page. This only shows up if you are logged in through the admin end of your site. This feature makes it easier for you to explore your site while retaining some of your admin functions. These are usually the functions commonly needed by most people.

This displays the avatar of whoever happens to be logged into the site. If you’re not sure what an avatar is, it’s the image you use that you use to represent yourself while online or logged into your website.
We use and recommend the Gravatar service. It allows you to assign different avatars to different email addresses. Oh, and it’s free:)
Just next door to that is that person’s profile name with other options in a dropdown menu which include the profile page, your dashboard panel and a logout link.
Add New
This is a dropdown menu that will allow you to add a new post or an entire page.
This is a quick way to get to your comment page if you want to approve, delete, or edit any incoming comments as well as add one of your own or reply to a reader.
Finally, you will find a search tool that allows you to search for any existing page or post on your entire site. This tool comes in handy after your site has built up a large number of posts and you need to find something specific and quickly. Especially, when adding links in your posts to something you may have written many months ago.
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