In my last WordPress tutorial I explained Page Attributes and how to use them. That tutorial was prompted by a client who’s page navigation was horked. They had set several parent and child pages incorrectly and I was able to see that and get them fixed quickly.
However, the navigation menu was still messed up.
It was almost as if there was still a page with wrong attributes set incorrectly. I was seeing several menu items that had the child attribute, but were still…well…funky looking in their positioning. I checked, double checked, and triple checked. Finally, after much head scratching and several emails back and forth to the client I discovered the problem.They had inadvertently deleted a Parent level page. This was supposed to be in the main level navigation menu and because it was gone, the Child page positioning was broken. Luckily for me (and my client) WordPress has a built-in Move to Trash feature. Before this was added in version 2.9, when you deleted a page or post it was gone forever. WordPress still allows you to delete pages and posts but instead of being gone forever, their held in a virtual recycle bin within your WordPress installation.
The Move to Trash link while in edit mode appears in the Publish box.

A list of trashed posts.

Notice the Empty Trash button in the screenshot above.
When you really want something gone from your WordPress website, use this button in your lists of trashed posts and pages.
I hope you enjoyed this WordPress tutorial, and if you found it helpful please share it with your friends and colleagues on your preferred social network. I sure would appreciate it!