Extending WordPress by Using the Power of Video – Part Two

In Part One of this series, I talked about why leveraging the power of video with your WordPress site is something you should do. In Part Two, I’m going to share some great tools for doing this.

Please note: The following recommendations involve several plugins developed especially for video producers by the Show in a Box project, of which, I am a member. This should in no way discount the usefulness of these plugins as they are all completely free to use, and are provided with the goal of helping video producers and bloggers harness the power of video and helping to display their video in a unique way.

Recent Videos

The VideoPress Recent Videos Wordpress Plugin allows publishers, like you, to add recent videos to your posts.

VideoPress Recent Videos needs vPIP or Video Wrangler (or another WordPress plugin that implements the WordPress Video API).

Related Videos

The VideoPress Related Videos Wordpress Plugin allows publishers, like you, to add related videos to your posts. (Each post gets its own set of related videos.)

Video Archive

The VideoPress Video Archive Wordpress Plugin allows publishers, like you, to add a Video Archive (with thumbnails and everything… instead of the default text archive).

VideoPress Recent Videos needs vPIP or Video Wrangler (or another WordPress plugin that implements the WordPress Video API).

Also, VideoPress Video Archive supports hAtom.

Video Embed

The VideoPress Video Embed Wordpress Plugin allows publishers, like you, to add place on the page where code is made available, to users, to embed your video on other webpages.

Video Feeds

The VideoPress Video Feeds Wordpress Plugin allows publishers, like you, to add a Video Feeds.

VideoPress Video Feeds works with vPIP.

VideoPress Video Feeds supports Media RSS, Atomic RSS, SMIL, and Video RSS.


The VideoPress WP-Video Wordpress Plugin allows publishers, like you, to add basic video functionality to WordPress and to boost the speed of how WordPress deals with video. This plugin can be configured by going to Options → Videos. Also the index of videos it creates can be managed from Manage → Videos.


vPIP (videos Playing In Place) is the only player in the world that dynamically embeds a video into your web page after the viewers click their preferred video format link. The link can be a text or image link.

This results in a web page that loads quickly with only image and text links. When the viewer clicks one of the links pointing to a video, it’s replaced with the embedded video. Clicking on another vPIP link closes the prior embedded video and opens the new one clicked.

vPIP Feeds Widget

The vPIP feeds widget allows you to generate unique feeds for each video format you want to distribute. Automatically, you’ll have unique feeds available based on the type of videos you publish (Flash, Quicktime, Windows Media, Ogg, etc.) You can also setup advanced criteria for feeds.

What is your favorite WordPress video plugin?