Query Posts Widget: WordPress Plugin – Video Overview Tutorial

Justin Tadlock has just released what I consider to be one of the most powerful, unique, and user-friendly WordPress plugins I have ever seen. It’s named Query Posts Widget and it’s designed to do just that, query posts. If you’re new to WordPress or aren’t familiar with developer terminology, you may not know exactly what this plugin is for by reading it’s name only.

A description from Justin’s site:

This widget has everything you’ll ever need to show posts on your site without touching code. It’s like having a WordPress developer ready to do your bidding all wrapped up in a widget. All you need is a theme that’s widgetized, which I believe is pretty standard these days.

What does the Query Posts widget do?

It lets you displays posts by nearly any criteria you can imagine using the query_posts() function, except you don’t need to know anything about PHP to use it. You can do all kinds of neat things:

* Posts by tag.
* Posts by category.
* Posts by author.
* Posts by time/date.
* Posts by custom field key and/or value.
* Choose any number.
* Order by various terms.
* Show pages.
* Show the full post, excerpt, or even order them in a list.
* And much more…

Making sense now? I’ve yet to test the true power of this plugin, but I whipped up a quick little overview video so you can get a better visual of just what this plugin does. Please keep in mind that this video only explains the tip of the iceberg of what this widget plugin can do:

Make sure to it the “Full Screen” button on the lower right of the video for a better viewing experience.

How do you think YOU would use this plugin on your site? Are you already? Leave a link and explanation below.
