If you want to know the basic functions of your WordPress Dashboard this video is as simple as it gets. You won’t be confused or lost in a lot of extra rambling about things you are not ready to hear about or that jump ahead into other topics.

This is the logical first step to understanding how to run your website because the dashboard is the very first thing you see when you log into your site. Below is a brief rundown of what you will learn in this brief and informative video.
The first thing Introduction to the WordPress Dashboard will show you is the posts area where you can view, add, edit or delete posts across your site.
Moving on to media, the video briefly tells you this is where you can view images, audio, and video content. It’s also where you can add much more media to your site.
The links section is the place to manage your links from your site to other websites which you will find are important to include in your content.
If you want to view or edit an existing page, add a new page, or delete an outdated page the page section is where it all takes place. You may want a separate page for your contact form for example.
When comments come in from you readers this is you will be able to approve, delete, or edit, and even add your replies to comments. Replying to comments is always a plus!
And More!
The video continues to show you how to change or update your profile, where to find your system tools, what clicking on the website name will do, also your New Post dropdown menu, what you will find by clicking your name, and lastly, logout and Help functions.
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